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TUES, 10 DEC 2019

10:00 - 17:00 : Registration

19:30 - 21:00 : Welcoming Dinner (by invitation only)

DAY ONE, WED, 11 DEC 2019

07:30 - 08:30 : Registration

08:30 - 09:30 : Welcoming Remarks


Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Chairman of The Meeting of Minds Forum, Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria and Former Vice President of the World Bank

Opening Statement

Ir. Nurhaida, M.B.A., Vice Chairman of Board of Commissioners of Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK), Republic of Indonesia

09:30 - 10:00 : Business Networking Coffee Break

10:00 - 11:30 : Session I - The Changing Economic Landscape: “The Need for a Meeting of Minds”


This introductory session will set out the framework for the entire event. It will present the changing economic landscape, the challenges of climate change, the promise and problems of the great transformative technologies affecting our world and the need for consensus building in order to pursue the development path that would achieve the SDGs. This difficult set of challenges must elicit a proper dialogue marked by knowledge and civility, in order to bring about the meeting of minds that will enable effective action.


Keynote Speaker : Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Chairman of The Meeting of Minds Forum, Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria and Former Vice President of the World Bank

Moderator : Rory Asyari, News Anchor of Metro TV, Indonesia

Distinguished Panelists:

  1. Hidayat Amir, Director of Center for Macroeconomic Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

  2. Yenny Zannuba Wahid, Director of Wahid Institute, Indonesia

  3. Tan Sri Rastam Mohd. Isa, Chairman of The Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia

  4. Kemal Rizadi Arbi, Advisor of Capital Market Authority, Sultanate of Oman

11:30 - 13:00 : Lunch and Prayer Break - Parallel Session - Luncheon : “Women in Leadership Outlook 2030” (by invitation only)

Moderator: Esti Nurjadin, Chairperson of Indonesia Heart Foundation (Yayasan Jantung Indonesia)

Distinguished Panelists:

  1. Grace Adoe, Heritage Future Leaders (Marketing Director of KIBIF & Co-Founder of Transjet, Indonesia)

  2. Lara Dudley, Heritage Future Leaders (Finance and Operations of Digital Matter, Singapore)

  3. Raja Jesrina Arshad, Heritage Future Leaders (CEO of PurelyB, Malaysia)

  4. Khai Lin Sng, Heritage Future Leaders (Co-Founder and CFO of Fundnel, Singapore)

13:00 - 14:30 : Session II - What Science Can Do - The New Biology and New Biotech Opportunities


We are living with a rapidly evolving scientific revolution in biology. The new biology has given us new tools that would enable us not only to transform medical treatments, but also will help us get plants with desirable traits: greater salt and drought tolerance, shorter growing season, better nutritional content, reduced senescence, in addition to higher yields. Such plants are fundamental not only to increase resilience of small farmers to the impact of climate change, but also will make a major contribution to the fight against poverty and malnutrition.


Keynote Speaker : Sir Tim Hunt, FRS, Biochemist, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 2001


Moderator : Amie Ardhini, Journalist & News Anchor of Metro TV, Indonesia

Distinguished Panelists:

  1. Dr. Per Pinstrup – Andersen, Economist and Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, Denmark

  2. Dr. Nina Fedoroff, Senior Science Advisor, OFW Law, Former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and 2006 National Medal of Science Laureate, USA

  3. Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Malaysian Science Communicator, Global Coordinator, International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA), Malaysia

  4. Andhana Adyandra, Heritage Future Leaders (Founder of Mahayana Permaculture, Indonesia)

14:30 - 15:00 : Business Networking Coffee Session & Prayer Break


15:00 - 16:30 : Session III - What Science Can Do – Environment


Environmental problems from Climate Change to local pollution and the management of solid waste require the urgent deployment of appropriate solutions with the engagement of the local populations. But the proposed policies and projects must be based on sound scientific analysis. Countries need science-based policies and evidence-based regulations. On the existential issue of Climate change, we need to curb emissions as well as to promote resilience through adaptation. Neither alone will work. Under current programs, it is extremely unlikely that we can reach zero net emissions by 2050, and hence it seems that the world will converge towards a future where global warming will likely be at around 4 to 5 degrees rather than the desired 1.5 to 2.0 degrees discussed at the Paris accord. Limiting the emissions through renewable energies or reducing them through carbon capture, sequestration and re-use must accelerate drastically. This involves the soils, the seas and the forests, and affects the policies dealing with agriculture and deforestation. So, what can we say about this?


Keynote Speaker : Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Chairman of The Meeting of Minds Forum, Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria and Former Vice President of the World Bank


Moderator : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Eskandar Shah Mohd Rasid, Associate Dean School of Graduate and Professional Studies, International Center for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) and World Bank Consultant on Islamic Finance (Financial Sector Specialist), Malaysia


Distinguished Panelists:

  1. Dr. Raj S. Paroda, Agricultural Scientist and Research Administrator, Former Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Former Chairman, Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), FAO, Rome

  2. Dr. Massimo Geloso Grosso, Head of Office, Global Relations, OECD, Indonesia

  3. Saumil Shah, Founder of EnerGaia, USA


16:30 - 18:00 : Session IV - What Science Can Do – AI and the ICT Revolution


Today (2019) we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the start of the Arpanet, the precursor of the Internet which can be considered to have started in 1983, when the TCP/IP was adopted, and later when in 1990 the World Wide Web was invented. The ICT revolution that followed has transformed the world as much globally as locally. It permeates everything, from international banking to mobile telephony, from e-books to on-line shopping, from science to social media. But today we are entering a new world of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). And we ae glimpsing another wave in the future with driverless cars, speaking robots and the new quantum computers, where a quantum computer can do in three minutes what it would take the biggest traditional super computers 10,000 years to do.

How do we make maximum use of these revolutionary developments that exist today, and how do we prepare to cope with the revolutionary developments to come?


Moderator : Shinta Nurfauzia, Heritage Future Leaders (Co-Founder and CEO of Lemonilo, Indonesia)

Distinguished Panelists:

  1. Dr. Ahmed M. Darwish, Former Minister of State for Administration Development and Former First Chairman of General Authority of Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt

  2. Kemal Imam Santoso, M.B.A., Director of Finance and Investment of National Social Healthcare Security (BPJS Kesehatan), Republic of Indonesia

  3. Dr. Noha Adly, Professor of Computer and Systems Engineering, Alexandria University and Scientific Advisor to Bibliotheca Alexandrina Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

  4. Nini Marini, Artist & Founder of Ninimarini Enterprise, Malaysia


19:30 - 22:00 : Heritage Life Encounter Networking Dinner (by invitation only

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