Speaking at:
Parallel Session: Luncheon : “Women in Leadership Outlook 2030”
Lara Dudley
Heritage Future Leaders (HFL), Finance and Operations of Digital Matter, Singapore
My name is Lara Dudley, and I'm the only non-technical person in a company of geeks. I manage the business arm of Digital Matter, a 360-digital construction consultancy. We work for the largest developers in Indonesia and Malaysia. Our team of architects, engineers and technologies are also distributed across the region. Because we're distributed, its been essential for us to build a robust management platform to keep the company and projects humming along.
Before entering the Construction industry, I worked in a high-frequency algorithmic trading firm - the secret place where tech developers get rich via financial markets (not apps!). This is where I first discovered the power of digital-first, lifestyle-first management.
Besides finance, I've also been a management consultant for the Big (banks, manufacturing, government) and the Small (start-ups, social enterprises). A colourful background that has taken me from Brunei to London to Mongolia and most places in between. Now, you'll see me commuting between Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines with my 2 year old daughter (+ nanny) in tow!